Romans 5:12-14


Romans 5:12-14

The Apostle Paul begins another section of his letter to the church at Rome with the word “Therefore” and once again, ties it back to the previous section and connecting his teaching as it builds on itself – in Christ Jesus.  So “Therefore,” because we are justified by faith in Jesus and have peace with God through Him (Romans 5:1), and through whom we gain access by our faith in Christ Jesus to God’s grace in which He extends to all who will believe in Him and rejoice in hope of His glory (Romans 5:2), and gain an understanding of how and why we rejoice in tribulations producing perseverance, character, and hope which does not disappoint because of God’s Holy Spirit being poured into our hearts (Romans 5:3-5) because Christ Jesus died for us while we were still sinners to demonstrate God’s great love for us in saving us from His wrath, giving us reason to rejoice in Him (Romans 5:6-11), “Therefore”, picking up now in Romans 5:12, even as death has reigned on earth through the sin of one man (Adam) entering the world and so spreading to all of humanity even before the law existed, even though, sin and death still yet reigned on the earth from Adam to Moses, which covers the time in which sin entered the world until the law was given (Romans 5:12-14).


This is a promise of sin and death in this world even though the law had not yet come into action from the time of Adam to Moses.


This passage covers all the bases of sin being present in this world even before the law was given to Moses on Mount Sinai.  The law was given because of sin so that all humanity would become aware of sin and the need for forgiveness to be reconciled to God and regain the relationship which was lost because of sin.  This is a prelude to what is to come in God’s great plan of salvation for all of humanity; first is the need to become aware of the issue, which is sin; and God gave the law through Moses so that all would become aware of it.


Dear LORD,

We search through life on this earth trying to connect the dots of what it all means to us.  You are giving us all the pieces of the puzzle through the letter in which You inspired the Apostle Paul to write to the church at Rome.  Please help us to grasp each piece of the puzzle and place them into their proper place in our lives in Christ Jesus to gain a better understanding of Your will for our lives that will draw each of us closer to You in our walk with Jesus.  In Jesus name I pray, amen.