Romans 4:9-12


Romans 4:9-12

In this passage of Romans 4:9-12 the Apostle Paul explains the heart of the matter of righteousness through faith.  He explains that Abraham was considered righteous in God’s eyes through the faith that he had in God, and that this was established before he was circumcised (Genesis 15-17).  God gave Abraham circumcision as a sign to show his faith in God – not to gain it.  This was done so that Abraham’s children (physically) would physically follow the ways in which God gave to Abraham to show the world of their obedience to God, but the righteousness that God accredited to Abraham was given before the sign so that all the world could also be included in the righteousness through the faith that was the requirement to righteousness.


This is proof of the promise of righteousness in God’s eyes through faith and not by works.


God covered all the bases – He leaves no room for chance; that only comes through the sinful minds of humanity in submission to Satan to try to find another way in the confusion that is in this sinful world.  But there is only one way to God and the forgiveness, righteousness, and salvation that He has provided for us.  And that is through that Way – Jesus is the way, the truth, and the life.  He tells us that in John 14:6.  He also tells us that, “No one comes to the Father except through Me.”  There is much controversy about Jesus being the only way to heaven, but don’t let the world’s advice fool you – Jesus is the only way!  Trust in Him and you will see.


Dear LORD,

Thank You for the proof in Your word to show us of Your great plan of salvation for all who will believe in You through faith.  And thank You for the fulfilling sacrifice of Your one and only Son Jesus to fulfill the requirements of the Law so that we no longer have to strive to do all of the requirements of the Law, but that our faith in You – that You have fulfilled all the requirements of the Law for us through Jesus that by believing in Him we may be saved and declared righteous – in Christ!  In Jesus name I pray, amen.