Romans 4:5-8
Paul goes a step further in his teaching of one being justified not by one’s works or striving to present themselves righteous to God as we have already learned that everyone is guilty of sin in the eyes of God and one cannot redeem themselves as it is only the righteous Judge who can do such a thing.
In this addition to the revelation of Abraham being righteous in the eyes of God through his faith in God (which imputes Abraham’s obedience to God as a result of his faith in God), Paul adds the words of King David from Psalm 32:1, 2 (NKJV) which states,
“Blessed are those whose lawless deeds
are forgiven,
And whose sins are covered;
Blessed is the man to whom the LORD
shall not impute sin.”
King David had committed some very sinful acts in his quest for Bathsheba (2 Samuel 11) to become his wife, yet when he presented himself as truly repentant before God in acknowledging his sins, God forgave him (2 Solomon 12).
This is a promise and example that God is a forgiving God for all who will come to Him with a truly and sincerely repentant heart.
This addition of the story of King David and his sins being forgiven is not an example that we can willfully live a life of sin expecting God to forgive us and then we return to the sinful life with no remorse or desire to change our sinful ways. But we live in a sinful world and we, as human beings, are subject to sin. The difference is that when we sin and then become aware of the sin that we committed, we learn from it that it is wrong in the eyes of God and approach Him with a truly and sincerely repentant heart asking of His forgiveness with a change in our desire that we now seek not to commit that sin again. If we have truly and sincerely accepted Jesus as our Lord and Savior, we are striving to do the things that are reflective of Him. If you have questions of something being a sin or not, simply ask yourself this: If Jesus were standing here next to me (in the flesh, physically there with you), would He approve of whatever it is that you are about to do? As Christians, Jesus lives within us through His Holy Spirit, and when you ask yourself the above question concerning sin, He will convict or comfort your heart with His guidance in answering your question; this will now put the decision up to you to follow or deny His guidance. The choice you make will be followed by blessing for following Jesus, or a convicted, sinful heart that will be in need of forgiveness. The choices we make as Christians should be reflective of Jesus and His will for our lives. Ya’ know, we are called Christians because we are Christ – ones; we belong to Christ and others should see that in us and the lives we live in obedience to Him.
If you have trouble with this, which we all do from time to time, a simple prayer will be ever helpful: Jesus help me! I love You and I need Your help. Please forgive me and help me to be strong in my faith in You! Thank You Jesus for loving me so much!
Dear LORD,
We are not perfect. We need Your help and guidance each day to live and love this life that You have given us. We know that we cannot earn Your forgiveness and righteousness but that You sent Your one and only Son Jesus to pay the price for our sins so that we may find and have forgiveness and righteousness through Him. Please fill us with Your Holy Spirit and give us guidance each day as we come to You with a sincere heart in Prayer. We love You LORD and we thank You so much for the greatest love of all in the love that You have for us. In Jesus name we pray, amen.