Romans 2:1


Romans 2:1

The Apostle Paul teaches that no one has an excuse to judge others as we all have the issue of sin to deal with in our own lives.  Pressing the issue with the knowledge of the sins of others in no way justifies ourselves as the sin in our own lives is what we need to deal with.  Paul will go on to say in Romans 3:23 (NIV), “for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God,”.


This is a promise that we all have no excuse that is worthy to cover our sins.

This is a promise that pointing out the sins of others in no way justifies our own sins, but in doing so only condemns ourselves.


The sinful nature that dwells within each of us picks at us to point out the faults of others in a vain attempt to make ourselves, with our own sins, appear to look better than others.  And we falsely believe that if we look better than others, we are better off than them.  This is how the Pharisees strived to be as they constantly did things to appear more righteous than others; they made notice of how much better off they were than others such as the poor.  But Jesus said that we need to have our hearts cleansed and purified through faith in Him as our Savior.  Jesus proclaims in Matthew 15:19-20a (ESV), “For out of the heart come evil thoughts, murder, adultery, sexual immorality, theft, false witness, slander.  These are what defile a person.”


Dear LORD,

Please help us to see that we are all equal in Your eyes and we all need the forgiveness that only Christ Jesus provides through His sacrifice on the cross for all of humanity.  Please help us to put our focus in forgiveness not on others but on our own hearts that we would seek to bring ourselves and our own sins to the cross and lay them at the feet of Jesus.  Please help us to seek forgiveness for the sins that proceed from our own hearts that we may live freely – in Christ.  In Jesus name I pray, amen.