Romans 16:25-27
The Apostle Paul’s final words in his letter to the Church at Rome gives credit to God who, through His Holy Spirit, is able to take the teachings of Paul (his gospel, Romans 16:25) along with the preaching of Jesus Christ, to whom the gospel of Paul is focused, and the revelation that is now being poured out through Christ Jesus to all the world (Romans 16:26), and now allow the acceptance of obedience to faith in God. Paul declares in Romans 16:27 (NKJV), “to God, alone wise, be glory through Jesus Christ forever. Amen.”
This is the promise of the gospel through Jesus Christ, “for obedience to the faith – to God, alone wise, be glory through Jesus Christ forever. Amen” (Romans 16:27).
The Apostle Paul states in Colossians 1:27-29 (To them God chose to make known how great among the Gentiles are the riches of the glory of this mystery, which is Christ in you, the hope of glory. Him we proclaim, warning everyone and teaching everyone with all wisdom, that we may present everyone mature in Christ. For this I toil, struggling with all his energy that he powerfully works within me.” This is the same heart and soul in which we see Paul teaching in his letter to the Church at Rome. He is dedicated to sharing the gospel that God has put in his heart through his dynamic conversion on the road to Damascus and the following three days in which he sat blind in a cold room alone. This passion and desire for God is what we too need to strive for in our lives and ministries; yes, ministries, as we all are called to share the gospel with those God puts in our paths, that we too would be the example that Paul speaks of in the world today – in Christ.
Dear LORD,
We are blessed to have the writings of Your Holy Spirit inspired words through the Apostle Paul. His life represents that of one in which was lost but was found by Christ Jesus and led to a life of sharing the gospel. He was filled with a passion and desire that only can come from opening one’s heart to salvation in Christ Jesus. You led him to preach to the Gentiles that all the world may believe in the saving power of Jesus in His death, burial, and resurrection to life eternal for all people, Jew and Gentile alike – in Christ. Thank You so much LORD for the Apostle Paul and the teachings that You have inspired him to share with us still today in Your word. In Jesus name I pray, amen.