Romans 15:17-21


Romans 15:17-21

The Apostle Paul begins this passage with the word, “Therefore”, which indicates that we need to review his previous statement to see what he is referring to.  In Romans 15:14-16 Paul has expressed his confidence in those at the Church in Rome, and he has expressed his calling to spread the gospel to the Gentiles.  We pick up in Romans 15:17 (NKJV), “Therefore I have reason to glory in Christ Jesus in the things which pertain to God.”  This verse, along with verse 18 is a little easier to understand in the NIV as it states, “Therefore I glory in Christ Jesus in my service to God.  I will not venture to speak of anything except what Christ has accomplished through me in leading the Gentiles to obey God by what I have said and done –”.  Paul is bragging not on himself but on what God has been doing through the ministry that He has given to Paul in spreading the gospel to the Gentiles.  He has been following God’s calling on his life and putting it into action, and he can see the results of putting and keeping his faith in Christ Jesus.  Paul tells us in Romans 15:20 that he has not been trying to preach to those who have learned the gospel through someone else, but that he is striving to reach those among them who have not yet heard or understood the gospel message of salvation in Christ Jesus.


This is an example of following the calling that God puts in your heart through salvation in Christ Jesus.


Each of us has a reason to, “glory in Christ Jesus in the things which pertain to God” as the Apostle Paul states in Romans 15:17 (NKJV).  Our callings are different but equally as important being that we are seeking the purpose that God has for us in His eyes through salvation in Christ Jesus.  It takes us all doing our small part in this world to pull together in Christ Jesus that we all would bring glory to Him and hear the words that we all hope to when we stand before Him one day; “Well done, good and faithful servant; you were faithful over a few things, I will make you ruler over many things.  Enter into the joy of your lord” (Matthew 25:21).


Dear LORD,

The Apostle Paul is celebrating the things that You have accomplished through him, not that he feels that he himself deserves any of the credit as he states in Romans 15:19, “in mighty signs and wonders, by the power of the Spirit of God.”  Please help us all to see that You have a special gift for all of us in Christ Jesus that You would work through each of us, “in mighty signs and wonders, by the power of the Spirit of God” as proclaimed by the Apostle Paul.  Please help us all to see that it is through salvation in Christ Jesus and the working of Your Holy Spirit that we become empowered to accomplish Your will for our lives – in Christ.  In Jesus name I pray, amen.