Romans 12:9


Romans 12:9

The Apostle Paul has spent much time in teaching that Jews and Gentiles alike are or should be considered as one body in Christ Jesus (Romans 12:3-5); that we should have a renewed mind in Christ Jesus (Romans 12:1-2); and that Jesus died to pay the penalty for sin for all who will believe in Him (John 1:12-13) in that we should utilize the gifts that God has given us to work together to build up the Church (Romans 12:6-8).  All of this, coming on the heels of celebrating the awesomeness of God in His sovereignty (Romans 11:33-36).

So now, in Romans 12:9, Paul begins a list of short but direct commands of how we should conduct our lives and what it means to have a renewed mind (Romans 12:2a) as Christians in, as Paul states in Romans 12:2c (NIV), “Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is – his good, pleasing and perfect will.”

The first of these short but direct commands is found in Romans 12:9 (NKJV), “Let love be without hypocrisy.  Abhor what is evil.  Cling to what is good.”  In other words, be genuine in the love that God has put in your heart.  This takes action as James tells us in James 2:18 (ESV), “But someone will say, ‘You have faith and I have works.’  Show me your faith apart from your works, and I will show you my faith by my works.”  He goes on to declare in James 2:26, “For as the body apart from the spirit is dead, so also faith apart from works is dead.”  True salvation in Christ Jesus is genuine and one who experiences a heart filled by God’s Holy Spirit (which we all as Christians have been promised by Jesus in John 14:15-18; 26) will be compelled to let the love of God flow through us to others – we have a renewed mind in Christ Jesus that calls us to action.

Paul also tells us in Romans 12:9b-c (NKJV) to, “Abhor what is evil.  Cling to what is good.”  If we are truly experiencing a renewed heart and mind in Christ Jesus, we will no longer desire to live in the sinful nature that has been controlling us but will be drawn to live as God’s Holy Spirit guides us (which now lives within us as Christians).


This is a command to let the love of Christ Jesus be visible in our lives.


The Apostle Paul has been describing to us the life of being renewed through our salvation in and through Christ Jesus.  We are new people, in heart, in mind, and in strength as our strength is now in the Lord Jesus Christ who has saved us from eternal death which will be separation from God and His love forever for all who do not put their faith in Jesus.  James teaches us that faith without works is dead.  The salvation that we live in Christ Jesus compels us to take action in our salvation and let others know about the good news of salvation in Christ Jesus through our actions and words.  But let us do this in the love of Jesus, not being forceful, but caring and patient for God to work through us as we share with others of His great love for us – in Christ.


Dear LORD,

We all desire to let Your great love flow through us to others that we all may experience salvation in Christ Jesus for all who will believe in You and Your saving grace for us as Your created people; Jews and Gentiles alike.  Please lead us and give us strength to take action in caring love for others as You have given us through salvation in Christ Jesus, that we would show love for our neighbors as He has first shown to us (John 13:34-35).  In Jesus name I pray, amen.