Romans 1:21
In Romans 1:18 Paul began speaking of the wrath of God and that it is revealed against “all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who suppress the truth in unrighteousness” (NKJV). Paul has declared that God clearly shows His “invisible attributes” (Romans 1:20) through creation, and by doing so, humanity is left without any excuses of not knowing and seeing God’s “eternal power and Godhead”. Psalm 19:1 (HCSB) declares, “The heavens declare the glory of God, and the sky proclaims the work of His hands.” In Romans 1:21, the reason is given for humanity being without any excuses for not knowing God: because of the obvious revelation of God through creation, yet the ungodly and unrighteous, “did not glorify Him as God, nor were thankful, but became futile in their thoughts” (Romans 1:21, NKJV). As a result of not recognizing God through His creation, the hearts of the ungodly and unrighteous people were darkened.
This is a promise and example of God’s wrath being revealed to the ungodly and unrighteous.
God shows Himself to us every day in the wondrous miracles of nature and breath of our physical lives. How does the wind blow? How does the sun rise? How do trees and plants grow? We all notice how beautiful God has made the flowers of this world, but do we give Him credit and glory for it? God is visible through creation to us, but Satan strives to block our view of God in his attempt to keep us from recognizing God and acknowledging Him in our lives as this is the beginnings of recognizing our salvation in and through Christ Jesus, which is the main thing that Satan wants to keep us as far away from as possible. God has made His “invisible attributes” clearly known to us in nature so that we will have no excuse to say that we do not know Him (Romans 1:20, NKJV). I encourage you today to take a moment and look around at nature and recognize God’s invisible attributes being made known to you… and give God the glory for His wondrous and miraculous creation in which we live and breathe.
Dear LORD,
My prayer today is that You will prompt us all to stop for just a moment through our busy day and take notice of how wonderfully miraculous You have created this physical world, that we may see through it the wonderfully miraculous love that You have for us, and give You all the praise and glory that only You deserve. Thank You LORD for showing Yourself to us in this beautifully created world that we live in. In Jesus name I pray, amen.