Romans 1:1
In Romans 1:1 we learn that Paul is the author, through God’s inspiration, of this book/letter of the Bible. The Apostle Paul tells his readers/hearers that he was called by God, and we know of his conversion story as it is told three times in Acts 9:1-22, 22:6-21, and 26:12-18. Paul also states that he is a “bondservant” of Jesus Christ. A bondservant is one who is a servant, but not by force as we learn from Exodus 21:5-6, but as one who is set free from slavery but chooses to remain in service to their master for life.
This is an example of one called by God through salvation in Christ Jesus.
This opening statement of the Apostle Paul tells us of his dedication to following God through his salvation in Christ Jesus. The life that he lived is a life that he did not choose as we know his desire as “Saul” was to persecute those of the “Way” or the Christians as we are referred to today (Acts 8:3). But he was called by God through salvation in Jesus Christ to preach the gospel (Romans 1:1). We too would never on our own choose to follow Christ Jesus as we are born into sin and have not the ability in sin to seek the righteousness of Christ Jesus without Him calling to us through His Holy Spirit first. Jesus proclaims in Matthew 11:27-28 (ESV), “All things have been handed over to me by my Father, and no one knows the Son except the Father, and no one knows the Father except the Son and anyone to whom the Son chooses to reveal him. Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.” In this passage, and through knowledge of it, Jesus is calling us all to Him!
Dear LORD,
In this verse of Romans 1:1 You have worked Your wonderous, miraculous calling of salvation in Christ Jesus to all who read or hear of this passage. As we begin this study of this letter to the Romans that the Apostle Paul wrote through Your guidance, please call each of us to open our hearts and minds to the wonderful news of salvation in Christ Jesus that we all may learn and grow in Christ Jesus. In Jesus name I pray, amen.