Revelation 5:6-7
As we perceive of God sitting on His throne with the scroll in His right hand, we may also have perceived that as Jesus, the Lamb of God (John 1:29), is a different being. But the Bible teaches us in Revelation 5:6 (NKJV) that He was, “in the midst of the throne and of the four living creatures, and in the midst of the elders.” This can help us to better understand the eternal state of heaven and the completeness of God, Christ Jesus, and His Holy Spirit as One. The Lamb, Jesus, standing in the midst of the throne as if had been slain, has seven horns representing the completeness of His strength/omnipotence, seven eyes to represent His all-seeing/omniscience, and the seven Spirits of God sent out into all the earth in representation of His complete presence being everywhere at the same time/omnipresence. It is this Lamb of God – Jesus, who is able to take the scroll out of the right hand of God. This is not a separate being, but a separate entity of God Himself, and a perfect representation of the term we have given this three-in-one trinity of God, Jesus, and His Holy Spirit being “in the midst” of each other.
This is a promise and example that Jesus is the Lamb of God.
This is a promise and example of the three-in-oneness of God as God Almighty, Jesus, and His Holy Spirit.
The significance of the number seven is that the number seven represents completeness. God wants us to know that He is complete. He, in His completeness is completely strong and is the solid rock that we can stand on when our lives are weak. He is completely knowing of everything we do, and is completely able to help us through any situation that we may find ourselves in. He is completely with us all, everywhere, at the same time. And He is able, in and of Himself, to hold the scroll, to take the scroll, to open the scroll, and to release the contents of the scroll. He is God Almighty. Praise be to Him.
Dear LORD,
We stand in awe of Your completeness and find it hard to understand of how we may be involved with it. But the simple fact is that You created us because You are Love; You are all-knowing, all-seeing, and all present so that You may take good care of us all at the same time. This is hard for us to understand, but that is where faith comes in – that we believe with all our heart, soul, and mind that it is so LORD. Please help us to believe. In Jesus name I pray, amen.