Revelation 5:2-3
There is a fairness in the judgement of God that must be seen and proclaimed as He sends a proclamation for anyone to step forward who is worthy to perform the task at hand. When Satan fell from heaven (Luke 10:18), God has given him an opportunity to prove himself greater than God [which is the reason for his fall (Isaiah 14:12-15) in which is the battle he has waged against God for our souls as he implemented the sinful nature in humanity through the temptation of Adam and Eve (Genesis 2:16-17, 3:11)]. Why is this important? Because in Revelation 5:2 (NKJV), an angel announces, “with a loud voice, ‘Who is worthy to open the scroll and to loose its seals?’” This was a proclamation made so that all creation could hear this announcement and plea for someone, if anyone, to be found worthy to complete this task at hand of revealing and releasing the wrath that is to come to the earth (the world that is the dwelling place of Satan) who was unable to answer this call. God is a fair Judge and has made the offer for Satan to step up and prove himself, which in his not being able to so, has indeed proven himself unworthy. But this proclamation goes even further as not just Satan, but no one was found worthy to open the scroll that was held in the right hand of the Almighty as He sits on His throne (Revelation 5:1). This is all relevant to what is said in Revelation 5:3, “3And no one in heaven or on the earth or under the earth was able to open the scroll, or to look at it.”
This is a proclamation from God to all creation to find someone who is worthy to open the scroll that He holds in His right hand.
We all strive throughout our whole lives to prove ourselves worthy; to prove ourselves worthy to our spouse and our family of the responsibilities that we hold in this life. We strive to prove ourselves worthy of the position we hold in the workplace, and that we are worthy of the promotion or advancement we seek. In everything we do, we are striving to prove ourselves worthy – it is the sinful nature at work in us all. This is why it is so difficult to bring ourselves to Jesus and accept what He has done for us in saving us from sin – because we are so adamant to prove ourselves worthy, just as is Satan. It is the same temptation that he brought to Adam and Eve that he brings to each of us in his attempt to prove his worthiness to God – that he can take from God what is His. Satan has proven that he is more powerful than us and humanity, but he will never be more powerful than God who created all things. That is why Jesus stated in Matthew 16:24-25, “If anyone desires to come after Me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow Me. For whoever desires to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for My sake will find it.” To desire to save our own lives is to follow in the ways of the sinful nature – this is the way of Satan. To give up our own sinful ways and realize that we are unworthy and in need of Jesus to save us from sin (that from which we cannot save ourselves) is to lose his life for the sake of Jesus; it is this person that will find life – in Christ.
Dear LORD,
We are unworthy to prove ourselves worthy to You. We do not want to fall to the trap set by Satan to prevent us from having a relationship with You as he strikes us with pride and self-centeredness. Please help us to realize and understand that proving ourselves worthy to You is to admit that we are unworthy to open the scroll that You hold in Your right hand, and in so proclaim that Jesus is worthy to save us from sin and that He alone is worthy to open the scroll that You hold in Your right hand – Jesus, “Behold! The Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world!” (John 1:29). Please let it be so LORD. In Jesus’ name I pray, amen.