Revelation 16:17-18


Revelation 16:17-18

In Revelation 16:17-21 is the pouring out of the seventh bowl of God’s wrath on the earth. As this seventh bowl of God’s wrath is being poured out on the earth, “a loud voice came out of the temple of heaven, from the throne, saying, ‘It is done!’” (Revelation 16:17, NKJV). This should be a familiar quote to us as these are the words that Jesus declared as He was dying on the cross for our sins (John 19:30). After Jesus died on the cross there was a great earthquake (Matthew 27:51), and in Revelation 16:18 after the words from the throne of heaven declaring “It is done” (Revelation 16:17), there was a great earthquake. This is The Revelation of Jesus Christ; it is only fitting that the events of Jesus dying on the cross to defeat Satan would coincide with the events of God’s wrath being poured out on the earth – Satan’s dwelling place.


This is the pouring out of the seventh bowl of God’s wrath on the earth.


Many people wonder, and I believe that we all do from time to time, of why God, being all good and pure (Matthew 19:17) would allow such evils that we see each day to take place. It is because this is the battleground for the challenge of Satan to God. That challenge is to take us away from God as would prove Satan to be more powerful than the Almighty God of heaven (Isaiah 14:12-15). In Satan’s world (the earth) he has dominance over us as he is more powerful than we are, but that is where the glory of God shines on and in our lives; in Satan’s own world God still reigns more powerful than Satan as God declares victory over the devil for and in every soul/person that declares Jesus their Savior as Jesus is God in human form come to the world of the devil (the earth) the set us free from Satan. God is showing Satan, and us, that He is more powerful than Satan even in Satan’s own world. One more thing that is very important is that the earth was not created by Satan as he has no creative powers; God had to create a place for Satan to prove himself to God – that is defeat for Satan in itself. Make Jesus your Savior today and declare Him victorious as you put your faith in Him to guide you through this sinful world. Just think…why else would all of heaven rejoice every time someone is saved (Luke 15:7, 10)? Jesus loves you – He gave His life for you—He wants to forgive you…if you will open your heart to Him and let Him in.


Dear LORD,

The veil of the temple was torn from top to bottom when Jesus died on the cross, opening the way to the truth and the life that is found only in Jesus (Matthew 27:50-51; John 14:6). Before the death of Jesus, the veil separated man from Your presence in the temple, but with the veil being torn open, You have provided a way for us to return to You through the gift of life that You offer us through Your One and only Son Jesus. Please open our eyes and our ears to see and hear this truth – in Christ, that we would all put our faith and salvation in the Savior of the world, Jesus. In Jesus name I pray, amen.


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