Revelation 14:8
In Isaiah 14:12-15 is described, as many scholars believe, to be the fall of Lucifer/the devil/Satan and the reasoning for his fall. Soon after this passage is the passage of Isaiah 14:22-23 which declares the destruction of Babylon. As Babylon was an ancient city of secular activity and known as a sort of opposite of the holy city Jerusalem, it was the city against God and all that atheism professes. In Revelation 14:8 (NKJV) we learn, “8And another angel followed, saying, ‘Babylon is fallen, is fallen, that great city, because she has made all nations drink of the wine of the wrath of her fornication.’”
This is the declaration of the fall of Babylon.
The fall of Babylon is not so much a declaration of the fall of a city as it is the fall of what the city of Babylon represented; the anti-theistic view of life and the refusal to believe in God and follow His ways. As a state of mind, this represents all that we see in the secular word today that is against God. We need to be aware of these things and to search to find a way to bring revival to this world today. We need to share Jesus with the world!
Dear LORD,
You have declared the destruction of Babylon which represents all the evil in the world and the attitude in which it represents. Please help us to be Your arms, feet, and voice in the world today that strives to share the message of the Gospel as You have commanded us to do in the Great Commission of Mark 16:15 declaring, “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature.” Please help us to do so LORD. In Jesus name I pray, amen.
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