Matthew 8:13
We need to look at some of the key points of this conversation between Jesus and the centurion. (1) Jesus has pointed out that He has not found such great faith in a person – even in all of Israel (Matthew 8:10). (2) Jesus has noted that many from outside of the Promised Land will be found in heaven, and many in the Promised Land will find themselves thrown into outer darkness (Matthew 8:11-12). (3) In Jesus’ response to the centurion’s request for Jesus to heal his servant, Jesus states, “Go your way; and as you have believed, so let it be done for you” (Matthew 8:13). (4) The centurion’s servant was healed at the same time as Jesus spoke these words (Matthew 8:13).
This is a promise and example of how powerful our faith in Jesus can be when it is focused on Him.
Faith must have a subject; it cannot be anything on its own. Faith must have something to believe in; faith cannot be faith and simply float around in the air without having faith in something. In the case of the centurion in Matthew 8:5-13, the centurion clearly had his faith strongly in Christ Jesus and His healing power. We must also recognize that during this time in history Jesus was performing miraculous healings throughout His ministry and travels. It was the “talk-of-the-town” so to speak. Everyone would have known about this mysterious self-proclaiming “Son of God” and the events that He was accredited for. The Apostle John states in John 20:30-31, “Jesus performed many other signs in the presence of his disciples, which are not recorded in this book. But these are written that you may believe that Jesus is the Messiah, the Son of God, and that by believing you may have life in his name” (NIV).
This was an event that Jesus used to show the love of God for all peoples, not just the Israelites, but everyone, everywhere. This is a proclamation made by Jesus so that we all today can read and understand that Jesus loves you too!
Dear LORD,
We all have or have had the need for healing in our lives for ourselves or for a loved one. We do not understand why You choose to heal one and not another, but we do know that You have different paths for each of us in the lives that You have given us. We know that through our weaknesses You make us strong and use us to be examples to others of putting and keeping our faith in Jesus regardless of how we may personally desire change in our lives. Please help us to see that Your will for our lives has a purpose – a purpose that we may never see or become aware of as You use us and our faith in You to touch the lives of those around us. Please help us to be strong in our faith in Jesus and follow the path that You have for us. In Jesus name I pray, amen.