Matthew 8:12
The sons of the kingdom are the Israelites/Jews as they became referred to primarily in the New Testament. It was/is believed by many Israelites that because they are biblically “God’s chosen people” that they will automatically inherit the kingdom of heaven, but Jesus declares in Matthew 8:12, “But the sons of the kingdom will be cast out into outer darkness. There will be weeping and gnashing of teeth” (NKJV). This is not referring to all Israelites, but to those who refuse to put their trust/faith in Jesus as the Messiah whom God sent to save the world from sin (John 3:16-18). Jesus goes on to say that for those who are “cast out into outer darkness…will be weeping and gnashing of teeth” (Matthew 8:12). This is not a scare tactic, but simply the truth about the eternal darkness that will be experienced by all who refuse to put their faith in Jesus as the Messiah/Christ.
This is a promise and warning that for all who refuse to put their faith in Jesus “will be cast out into outer darkness” (Matthew 8:12).
Many people believe that God, being the God of love (1John 4:8, 16) would never allow someone to “be cast out into outer darkness…where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth” (Matthew 8:12), but the reality is that He is giving us this promise and warning so that we will be aware of the consequences of not opening our hearts to Him and accepting the love that He has given us through His One and only Son Jesus. Love is a choice – it must be to be love. We too have to make that choice for love or not for love. If we make the choice to accept God’s love for us, then we need to abide by that love in our lives; we cannot simply say so and continue to live a life that is reflective of the sinful nature. That would be living a lie. Jesus is the way, the truth, and the life (John 14:6), our acceptance of Him as our Savior should be reflective in our lives.
Dear LORD,
Please help us all to see that there is no automatic path to heaven through our own ways, but only through the way in which You have offered to us in Your great love for us in Christ Jesus. Please help us to see that as You are love, we must accept You into our hearts to change our sinful nature to the new life in Christ Jesus that will open the door of heaven to us – to all who will put their faith/trust in Jesus – the way, the truth, and the life (John 14:6). In Jesus name I pray, amen.