Matthew 6:9-13


Matthew 6:9-13

In this passage of Matthew 6:9-13 is the Lord’s prayer, however, I have heard it referred to (and I agree) that this is not the Lord’s prayer but is the prayer that the Lord has given to his disciples (and us as His followers).  I would also like to note that the prayer of the Lord Jesus is found in John 17 and is a wonderful prayer of Jesus in speaking with His heavenly Father before His arrest and crucifixion.


This is a command from Jesus as to how His disciples should pray.


We are going to cover this prayer verse by verse over the next few days, but I want you to read this prayer every day in its entirety and think about each sentence and what Jesus is referring to in each piece of this prayer.  I will say that to me, this prayer covers it all – it covers everything that we need to pray for each day.  As followers of Christ Jesus and believers in Him – that God sent Jesus (being Himself in Human form as He remained in heaven in His almighty spiritual form, yet still having a Spirit that He sends to us just as He did Jesus, yet all three, “the Trinity,” being of one together in completeness).  Praying this prayer given to us by God Himself through His one and only Son Jesus, as we will see over the next few days of study, covers everything that is important to God that we have or are seeking in our lives – in Christ.  But please do not get me wrong; God desires to hear our prayers when we are hurting or have issues that we need help with.  The Apostle Paul teaches us to pray always as he states in 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 (NKJV), “Rejoice always, pray with out ceasing, in everything give thanks; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.”


Dear LORD,

As we begin this study of the prayer that You gave to us through Your one and only Son Jesus, our Savior as He came to save the world from sin (John 3:17), please open our eyes to the wonder covering of guidance and protection that You provide for us, with sincere hearts, as we implement this prayer in our lives each day and believe in Your saving power through Your Son Jesus and Your Holy Spirit whom You have promised to send to live in the hearts of all who trust in You (John 14:15-18).  In Jesus name I pray, amen.