Matthew 6:11
Bread is the basic food source that we see in reference in the New Testament. It is a source to sustain life in our physical being. Jesus blessed bread and fed the five thousand in Matthew 14:13-21, and in Matthew 15:32-39 Jesus does the same in feeding the four thousand. When Satan tempted Jesus in the wilderness (Matthew 4:1-11), Jesus was hungry, and Satan tempted Jesus with bread. And in Matthew 26:26-30 Jesus broke bread, blessed it, and shared it with His disciples during His last meal before His crucifixion.
Jesus wants His disciples to acknowledge the fact that our daily provisions, in all things – not just food, comes from God. But there is a spiritual connection between Jesus and bread as well; in John 6:35 (NKJV) Jesus states, “I am the bread of life. He who comes to Me shall never hunger, and he who believes in Me shall never thirst.” This is the hunger that we feel in our hearts for something better than what we find in this world – it is a spiritual hunger for God’s Holy Spirit to fill our hearts with God’s presence in our lives – something that we cannot find in the things of the physical world.
This is a command that as we pray to God for our daily bread, we should also be seeking it with the heart’s desire and mindset that comes from being a disciple of Christ Jesus through the salvation that only He provides.
This is a way of life that Jesus was teaching His disciples in preparation for His physical departure from the earth. It is a way of life that Jesus was preparing for us today as we live in a time after His crucifixion and resurrection to life eternal. But in asking God to give us our daily bread, which is for physical and spiritual nourishment, we should be seeking it as well. We find the spiritual nourishment in our daily bread in the word of God – the Bible. We cannot know these things of how we should have a new mindset and heart’s desire for God through salvation in Christ Jesus if we are not reading, studying, and applying the word of God in our lives.
Dear LORD,
You sent Your one and only Son to not only die for our sins but to teach us of how we should live once we have opened our hearts to the salvation that He has provided for all who will believe in Him. Please help us to make a conscious effort to spend time in Your word each day to not just read, but to study with an open heart and mind to what You are teaching us that we would properly interpret Your word and will for our lives – in Christ. In Jesus name I pray, amen.