Matthew 5:1-2, 5
The next blessing that Jesus teaches His disciples about is found in Matthew 5:5 (NKJV), “Blessed are the meek, For they shall inherit the earth.” To be meek can be interpreted a couple of ways in which I believe both are worthy to mention. First, meekness is to be understood as those who present themselves in a humble and submissive fashion as to the LORD. Secondly, meekness can also be interpreted as those who have been brought to a humble and submissive attitude through the trials and tribulations of this world. In this case, as is in the first, the end result is an understanding of the need for being humble and submissive to God. To understand and be open to receive the gift of salvation in and through Christ Jesus is the humble and submissive heart, mind, and soul of one who is meek. The attitude of meekness is found in the example that Jesus set, and in the attitudes of those who believe in Him as is found in the prayer of Jesus in John 17:8 (NIV), “For I gave them the words you gave me and they accepted them. They knew with certainty that I came from you, and they believed that you sent me.” The promised blessing for meekness to God is that they shall inherit the earth.
This is the promise of inheriting the earth for those who are meek.
There is a time when the evildoers of this world will be no more. What is left will be peace and the meek. Psalm 39:9, 11 (ESV) declares, “For the evildoers shall be cut off, but those who wait for the LORD shall inherit the land…But the meek shall inherit the land and delight themselves in abundant peace.” Not the arrogant, prideful, and self-centered, but those who show a reliance on the Lord for guidance in one’s life; in humble submission to God in realizing our need for the forgiveness that only He provides. The trials and tribulations of this world are meant to bring us to a point of realizing our need for God to help us through them…and He will if we will humble ourselves to Him and put our faith in Him. Jesus said in John 15:18 (HCSB), “If the world hates you, understand that it hated Me before it hated you.” And in John 15:20 Jesus continues, “Remember the word I spoke to you: ‘A slave is not greater than his master.’ If they persecuted Me, they will also persecute you. If they kept My word, they will also keep yours.”
Dear LORD,
Meekness is tough for us to grasp as it is considered a lowly position in society. But we live in Christ – not in the ways of the secular community that surrounds us each day with the ways of this world. Please help us to realize the importance of our need for the salvation that You provide for us through Your one and only Son Jesus; that He died to pay our debt to sin so that in putting our faith in Him, we may live forgiven in our submissive and humble hearts to You – not to the chains of the secular world in which we live on this earth, but to the calling of Jesus to be a people set apart from this world and alive – in Christ! In Jesus name I pray, amen.