Matthew 26:69-75


Matthew 26:69-75

The Bible teaches us in Matthew 26:58 that as Jesus was arrested and taken away to the high priest, Peter followed at a distance so he could find out where they were taking his Savior.  In Matthew 26:69-75 is the fulfillment of words spoken to Peter by Jesus in Matthew 26:31-35 that he would deny Him three times before the rooster crows.  As this event unfolds in the courtyard of the high priest, we learn something even more heartbreaking in Luke 22:60-62 (NIV) as Peter is questioned of being associated with Jesus, “Peter replied, ‘Man, I don’t know what you’re talking about!’  Just as he was speaking, the rooster crowed.  The Lord turned and looked straight at Peter.  Then Peter remembered the word the Lord had spoken to him: ‘Before the rooster crows today, you will disown me three times.’  And he went outside and wept bitterly.”


This is an example of how quickly we can lose our faith and dedication to Jesus when trouble strikes.


As Jesus is preparing Himself to go to the cross and pay our penalty due for sin, He is also preparing us for the need to remove any remaining self-righteousness that we may hold to for deeming ourselves righteous in our own eyes.  He has used examples of those who were closest to Him to prove to us that we too may fall if we remove our faith and focus from Him and put it on our own ability to stand tall in the face of conflict, trial, or tribulation.  One of His closest disciples has betrayed Him into the hands of those who refuse to believe in Him – those who have plotted to kill Him (Matthew 26:1-5).  And as Jesus has predicted, the one who would be considered the leader of His disciples has denied Him; not once, not twice, but three times.  In Matthew 26:74 (NKJV) we learn of how desperately, with cursing, that Peter denied Jesus, “74Then he began to curse and swear, saying, “I do not know the Man!”

If those closest to Jesus are susceptible to falling away from Him during times of trouble, trial, or tribulation, then we most certainly are too.  But we have God’s Word to teach us and prepare us for these times so that we would remember this lesson when we find ourselves in the same Satan-striking situations, that we would not turn from Jesus but cling to Him to help us through to victory – in Christ!


Dear LORD,

We are susceptible to fall away from You when trouble strikes, but knowing this is half the battle as we now know that we can be prepared for troubling times, that being alerted by them would immediately turn to Jesus for strength – to call on His name, “Jesus,” to help us through Your Holy Spirit that we have living in us who believe in Him (John 14:15-18, 26).  Thank You Jesus.  In Jesus name I pray, amen.