Matthew 26:6-13


Matthew 26:6-13

In Matthew 26:6-7 a woman pours a bottle of fragrant oil on the head of Jesus as He sat at the table in the house of Simon the leper.  We learn in Mark 14:5 that the oil could have been valued at a price of more than three hundred denarii, which was about the equivalent of a year’s wages.

We are informed in Matthew 26:8-9 that the disciples of Jesus were upset at this waste of money, however, in John 12:4-6 the Apostle John tells us that the one who was upset at this was Judas – the one who would betray Jesus into the hands of the chief priests and the Pharisees, as he was the keeper of the money box and would help himself to the contents.

But Jesus would bring clarity to the situation, as He always does, and explain to His disciples, along with the others that had gathered with Him, that this was not just expensive oil.  It was an anointing to prepare Him for his burial (Matthew 26:10-12).  Jesus would also make a special note that this story would be told wherever the gospel is preached as a memorial to her for her actions in reverence to Jesus (Matthew 26:13).


This is an example of how easy it is to jump to conclusions when we do not know the rest of the story.


Many of us would show our age to remember a man by the name of Paul Harvey, who had a radio broadcast that would tell of what, on the surface, would seem to be an ordinary, every-day event.  But when he used his catch phrase, “and now you know the rest of the story” he would have revealed this seemingly ordinary story to be that of a famous person or event throughout history.

This woman in Matthew 26:6-13, who is revealed as Mary, the sister of Martha and Lazarus – one in which Jesus raised from the dead is one such person.  We don’t know if Mary even knew why she did this, and she probably did not.  But she did know that Jesus was very important to her and she gave Him her full attention.  This overrode the price of the oil as she had now found a worthy use for it – her Savior Jesus!


Dear LORD,

We cling to earthly things and speak of their monetary value.  We have a tendency to put these things before You, even though we don’t mean to.  Please forgive us and help us to see that the earthly things that You bless us with should be returned to You as we give You our full attention as did Mary, who knew her Savior and walked with Him as we too should do – in Christ.  In Jesus name I pray, amen.