Matthew 25:32-40
As Jesus sits on His throne of glory (Matthew 25:31), all the nations will be gathered to Him and stand before Him to be judged (Matthew 25:32). Jesus refers to this as “separating the sheep from the goats,” but as we will see, this is separating those who are obedient to Him in professing Him Savior and risen Lord (sheep) from those who have refused Him (goats). The sheep on His right hand, and the goats on His left hand (Matthew 25:33). Jesus will say to those on His right hand, “Come, you blessed of My Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world” (Matthew 25:34, NKJV).
Those who are deemed righteous in the eyes of Jesus will be somewhat in awe of His blessings on them. This is because they are not doing things to gain God’s righteousness and blessings on their lives but are only following what God has put in their hearts through His Holy Spirit working through them. They are surprised at the blessings and righteousness that has been bestowed on them because they are living in humble obedience to God through their salvation in Christ Jesus. To them, they have only been doing what they considered right and living as God guides them. The surprise is because they weren’t seeking to be praised or glorified; they were simply following God’s path for their lives. But Jesus reassures them of His blessings on them for this very reason.
This is a promise that we will all stand before Jesus one day to be judged for our works – in Christ or not in Christ, that is the question that we all need to ask ourselves.
This is the difference between following Jesus and accepting in our individual lives the work that He has done for us in saving us from sin, death, and Satan, or striving to do good works to earn righteousness to try to impress God with how great we think we are. Greatness in the eyes of God comes through humility and obedience to Him. This is opposite of how our earthly minds work; which is opposite of how God’s mind works. We must change our outlook on life to God’s outlook on life before we may begin to understand His will for our lives. But when we do, God will begin to show you the glorious things He has for you that you may not even realize until that glorious day comes when He will bless you with His righteousness forever – in Christ.
Dear LORD,
It is through our faith in our Savior Jesus that our works are justified. He is the One who will be our final Judge as we stand before Him. How could we ever be justified any other way than to do our works in Christ Jesus – His is our final Judge! Please help us to see that the doorway to heaven is opened by Him and is through Him. Please help us to stop working for ourselves and begin working for Jesus as we truly open our hearts – all our hearts – to Him. In Jesus name I pray, amen.