Matthew 21:14-17


Matthew 21:14-17

Something very interesting happens after Jesus “drove out all those who bought and sold in the temple, and overturned the tables of the money changers and the seats of those who sold doves” (Matthew 21:12b, NKJV).  “Then the blind and the lame came to Him in the temple, and He healed them” (Matthew 21:14).  We also learn something about the chief priests and the scribes (the leaders of the temple).  Matthew 21:15 states, “But when the chief priests and scribes saw the wonderful things that He did, and the children crying out in the temple and saying, “Hosanna to the Son of David!” they were indignant…”  The chief priests and the scribes confronted Jesus about the matter and Jesus replied to them in fulfilling a prophecy found in Psalm 8:2 which states,


“Through the praise of children and infants
you have established a stronghold against your enemies,
to silence the foe and the avenger.”


This is an example of the innocent humility found in the hearts of the children of God.


God uses the least in the eyes of man to do the greatest things in the eyes of God.  It is not through our own power that we stand up and declare Jesus King of our lives and our eternal Savior, but through God’s saving grace that He extends to all who will believe in Him.  Children and infants have established a stronghold against the enemies of God and have silenced the avenger/Satan.  It is not through physical strength or the power of money or through obtaining many earthly things that true strength in the eyes of God is found; it is through the innocence of a child – an infant, and the sincerity found in the child’s heart that represents a new beginning in Christ Jesus.  It is the dependency of a child on the parent for survival that is the example of obedience to God that we, as adults, must grasp in finding salvation in Christ Jesus.

The blind and the lame did not question the power and authority of Jesus; they came to Him with a need for healing.  They did not question if this is the right time or not as Jesus has just finished driving out the money changers from the temple.  They came to the Healer in faith, and they were healed (Matthew 21:14).  We too are in need of healing in a world that is striving to minimalize Jesus and the power of the Almighty God of heaven.  Come to Jesus today and be healed on the inside and the outside – in Christ.


Dear LORD,

We stand in awe of the examples You give us in the blind, lame, and the children that bring the innocence and obedience of the heart that is necessary for salvation in our faith in You and the saving power of Your One and only Son Christ Jesus.  Please use this Bible study to open the eyes, ears, hearts, minds, and souls of everyone around the world to the healing and saving power of Jesus.  Please help us to learn about and to activate in our own lives the power and the innocence of the heart of a child – in Christ!  In Jesus name I pray, amen.