Matthew 19:7-12


Matthew 19:7-12

In Deuteronomy 24:1-4 Moses gave permission for a man to divorce his wife by giving her a certificate of divorce.  But Jesus says that this was not to be the case in the eyes of God from the beginning.  Jesus teaches in Matthew 5:31-32 and in Mark 10:5-12 that God intended a man and a woman to be joined together, becoming as one person with strong intentions that it should remain this way, permitting divorce only in the case of sexual immorality.

The disciples of Jesus then question Him as if then it would be better to not marry.  Jesus replies that some are led by the LORD to not marry and are able to live such a life, showing that marriage is not a requirement but is intended for those God allows to live such a life, as it is for those God permits to not marry.


This is a command that divorce for reasons other than sexual immorality is considered adultery in the eyes of God.

This is a promise that everyone is not required to marry.


Being married and being divorced has been, in the eyes of man, a convenience for many years – they were even dealing with it in the time of Moses, and as we see in Matthew 19:7-12 during the time of Jesus.  Man has always tried to adjust the will of God to suit his own means, but that was not God’s intentions for the life of a man and a woman – His greatest creation.  God wanted a man and a woman to join together in a bond that establishes a lifelong unity that is a reflection of the bond that God desires to have with each of us that last forever, trusting and confiding in one another for always.  God wants us to see the importance of creating a bond in the way that He intended it to be, and He sent His One and only Son to correct all the wrongs that man has made so that we may be set free from the sins of this world and live in the eyes of God through the salvation He has provide for us in Christ – a bond that lasts forever!


Dear LORD,

We are prone to make mistakes.  We are prone to want to make our own rules.  We don’t understand the ways in which You intended for us to live in this sinful world.  Teach us LORD through Your holy Word the ways in which You would have us to live – in Christ, and forgive us for the wrongs we have committed.  In Jesus name I pray, amen.