Matthew 17:10-13


Matthew 17:10-13

In the Old Testament, Malachi 4:5 (NKJV) states,


“Behold, I will send you Elijah the


Before the coming of the great and

Dreadful day of the LORD.”


As the religious leaders of the day were expecting Elijah to return and announce the coming of the Lord, the disciples of Jesus were confused as to how Jesus could be the Messiah if indeed the return of Elijah must come first (Matthew 17:10).  Jesus answers this question and confirms that Elijah has indeed come, but he was not recognized as it was his spirit that lived within John the Baptist that fulfilled this prophecy.  Jesus also uses this teaching to inform His disciples that He too would suffer at the hands of the religious leaders (Matthew 17:11-13).


This is a promise of the fulfillment of the Old Testament prophecy found in Malachi 4:5.

This is an example that things are not always as we expect them to be in the eyes of God.


God has never broken a promise, and He never will.  But in that, as we accuse God of abandoning us in His promises to us, it is not God, but us, that stray from our promises to Him.  He does not always answer our prayers in the way in which we desire Him to, so we abandon Him but yet leave Him with the blame for our own faults and disbelief – we harden our hearts to God and then blame Him for not being faithful to us.  This is the opposite of the truth as we fall into Satan’s trap of seeking our own will instead of the will of God for our lives.  We know the truth as we study and learn of God’s Word and His promises to us, it is then left to us to believe in the promises of God, and put, and keep, our faith in Him.  He will never leave nor forsake you (John 14:18).


Dear LORD,

You have given us Your Word to teach us, and You have given us Your Holy Spirit to be our guide.  Please help us to believe – to believe in Your Word and the promises that You have made to us.  Please open our eyes to the way, the truth, and the life that is only found through believing in Jesus, the Savior of the world (John 3:16-17; 14:6).  In Jesus name I pray, amen.