Matthew 14:22


Matthew 14:22

In Matthew 14:22 Jesus instructed His disciples to go on ahead of Him and cross over the lake to the other side while He remained with the multitudes.  Jesus has just fed approximately twenty thousand people with five loaves of bread and two fish, and in left over pieces was enough to fill twelve baskets.  Jesus remained with those that He had healed (Matthew 14:14) and His compassion for them continued to show as He dismissed them.


This is an example of the compassion that Jesus has for everyone that comes to Him for healing.


Jesus is compassionate and caring for you too.  He does not simply want to hear from you and then leave you in the loneliness that you were experiencing before you brought your need to Him.  Jesus, when He gave His disciples the Great Commission, stated, “…and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age” (Matthew 28:20b, NKJV).  I like to believe that Jesus, in the same miraculous way that He fed the twenty thousand with the five loaves and two fish, greeted each person and gave them His blessing and encouraged them to stay true to their belief in Him.  God sent His One and only Son to rekindle a lost personal relationship with each person, and that includes you and me too.


Dear LORD,

The multitudes came to Jesus seeking healing because they believed in Him.  We have needs for healing too.  We bring our needs to You today for healing physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually.  Please touch our lives through Your Holy Spirit and heal us through our belief in You.  In Jesus name I pray, amen.