Matthew 12:22-23


Matthew 12:22-23

As Jesus performed miracle after miracle, the people watched and were amazed, but Satan continued to put doubt in their minds as to who this miracle worker was and of how he was able to heal the people.  Some people were making the connection from the teachings of the Prophets of a coming Messiah (Isaiah 42:1-4).


This is an example of the power of Jesus to defeat Satan.


As we study the life and ministry of Jesus, we see that He healed many people.  We see that as He healed many people, the healings that He performed were all due to the effects of sin, which was brought into the world by the trickery of Satan.  Jesus spent His physical life and ministry showing the world that He is more powerful than Satan – He is able to heal/correct the effects of sin – He is able to overcome the trickery of Satan that has caused us all to fall out of God’s grace.  But God is also merciful, and He has provided a way out of the sinful lives that Satan has caused us all to fall into.  Jesus is the way, the truth, and the life (John 14:6), and He is more powerful than any of the sins that Satan has caused you or me to fall into, and He has taught us that if we will bring our sins to Him, He will give healing that is life-saving for the soul; a life-changing healing that saves us from the effects of sin.


Dear LORD,

We are in need of healing. This world in which we live is in need of healing.  You are the great healer – our Creator God who is more powerful than anything Satan may throw at us.  Please give us the understanding to know that we may bring our darkest secrets to You and be healed from within through believing in the Savior of the world – the only way to forgiveness – Jesus.  In Jesus name I pray, amen.