Mark 6:14-20


Mark 6:14-20

We learn in Mark 6:14 that King Herod had heard of Jesus as His name had spread throughout the land (Mark 3:7-8).  But King Herod had a different view of who he thought Jesus was.  The Bible teaches us in Mark 6:14b (NKJV), “And he said, “John the Baptist is risen from the dead, and therefore these powers are at work in him.”  We also learn in Mark 6:15 that some people believed that Jesus was Elijah; others believed Jesus to be one of the prophets.  We then learn the reason of why King Herod believed that Jesus was John the Baptist: because he had John the Baptists beheaded.  King Herod was now living in fear that in his unlawful causing of the death of John the Baptist that he had risen from the dead (Mark 6:16-18).  But in Mark 6:19-20 we learn the real reason behind the death of John the Baptist.  King Herod had married his brother Philip’s wife.  This was not due to the death of Philip, as would have been customary in following the Law given to Moses, but simply through the lusts of the flesh.  John had spoken to King Herod about this unlawful marriage and was openly against it.  Therefore Herodias, King Herod’s wife, wanted John the Baptist killed.  The Bible teaches us in Mark 6:19-20 (NKJV), “19Therefore Herodias held it against him and wanted to kill him, but she could not; 20for Herod feared John, knowing that he was a just and holy man, and he protected him.  And when he heard him, he did many things, and heard him gladly.”  King Herod actually was quite fond of John the Baptist, but John spoke out against the king, and when the opportune time came, the king exercised his authority and had John the Baptist killed.


This is an example of the thoughts of the people as to who Jesus was.

This is an account of the death of John the Baptist.


So we might ask, “Why is this information added in the Bible and why is it added here while Jesus has been healing and sending His disciples out to do the same?”  I believe it is because as Jesus has been doing unbelievable things in the healings and demon exorcisms that He has performed, people, in their unbelief, seek other possible reasons for the miraculous things that have been witnessed by them.  The unbelief in the power of Jesus to heal is continuing to be an issue even by the eyewitnesses of these events.

We too have an issue with unbelief in the power of Jesus.  We have even less reason to believe in Jesus as we have not witnessed Jesus walk on this earth in the flesh and perform many miracles – we have not sat in the audience to hear the wisdom of Jesus firsthand.  So how do we process this in our own lives?  Jesus made a promise in John 14:15-18 as He declared, “If you love Me, keep My commandments.  And I will pray the Father, and He will give you another Helper, that He may abide with you forever – the Spirit of truth, whom the world cannot receive, because it neither sees Him nor knows Him; but you know Him, for He dwells with you and will be in you.  I will not leave you orphans; I will come to you.”  Jesus lives today within us for all who believe in Him.  He lives within our hearts through His Holy Spirit.  He leads us and guides us and teaches us as He connects His Holy Spirit with our spirit – and gives us new life in Him.


Dear LORD,

It is through our faith that we believe in the healing power of Jesus today, just as did the woman in Mark 5:25-28 whose faith was so strong that just by touching the clothes that Jesus was wearing, she was healed.  We do not have to reach out to touch the clothing of Jesus today because You have promised to send Your Holy Spirit to live within us who will believe in Him.  He lives within us – we can feel Your healing power within us working in our lives unto salvation – the greatest healing of all to save us from eternal condemnation.  Thank You so much LORD for Your gift to us of Your One and only Son…Jesus.  In Jesus name I pray, amen.