Mark 16:9-11


Mark 16:9-11

In Mark 16:9 we learn that Jesus, after He rose from the dead, was first seen by Mary Magdalene; a reflection of God’s inclusion of women in a time when the woman was considered lesser in society than the man. The text also teaches us that Jesus had previously cast seven demons out of Mary Magdalene – one who had been lost and now is found.

In Mark 16:10 we learn that it was Mary Magdalene who went to the disciples of Jesus, who were in mourning, and told them about the risen Lord Jesus. And in Mark 16:11 we learn that the disciples of Jesus did not believe that He was alive, as this news was to them quite astonishing as it first was to the women at the tomb (Mark 16:1-8).


This is an example of Jesus working in ways in which we may not expect as God’s ways are higher than our ways (Isaiah 55:8-9).


Jesus declares in Matthew 18:11 (NKJV), “For the Son of Man has come to save that which was lost.” In saving those who were lost, God does not simply then forget about them – He uses them to show the world of His great power to take that which was lost and then make them great tools for Him to show the world of His love for us. If God can save a woman so lost as to be possessed by seven demons (as in the case of Mary Magdalene) and then pick her to be the first one to see Him in His risen state, then He can surely use any one of us to do great things for Him. God may be calling you today to great things; but you must open your heart to His will for you before you can realize and understand where He is leading you. Open your heart to Jesus today and let Him do great things in your life.


Dear LORD,

You are great. You are mighty. Please help us to see that Your ways are higher and greater than our ways; and that Your plan for our lives is higher and greater than our plan for our lives. Please help us to realize and understand that You desire to make us all great disciples of Christ Jesus, even though we have come to You from lives that were once lost in sin. We submit our lives to You God, please fill us with Your Holy Spirit and lead us as You desire us to be – in Christ. In Jesus name I pray, amen.