Mark 1:41-42


Mark 1:41-42

In the response of Jesus to the leper as he asked Jesus to cleanse him, the Bible teaches us in Mark 1:41 (NKJV) that Jesus was “moved with compassion” and that Jesus reached out to the leper and touched him.  This is something that was forbidden – to touch a leper; this would most likely result in the leprosy being transferred to this person as well.  But Jesus is pure, and He utilized this opportunity to show that He came to cleanse all who would come to Him in submission to His healing power (Mark 1:42).


This is an example of the power of God working in the lives of those who faithfully submit to Him.


It is important to notice the mode in which the leper came to Jesus asking to be cleansed.  In Mark 1:40 we learn that the leper came to Jesus, “imploring Him, kneeling down to Him”.  This man came to Jesus in full submission to Him in faith – this man believed in the healing power of Jesus.  In Matthew 17:19 Jesus’ disciples asked Him why they could not heal a demon-possessed child.  Jesus answers them in Matthew 17:20 by stating, “Because of your unbelief; for assuredly, I say to you, if you have faith as a mustard seed, you will say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there,’ and it will move; and nothing will be impossible for you.”  Is your faith “as a mustard seed”?  I know that I would like to think that mine is, but yet to move mountains is per God’s will as He sees necessary in that faith – for me, for you, or for anyone else.  This is a mystery as the Apostle Paul states, but yet believing makes possible the workings of Jesus in our lives.  If it is in God’s will for you, it will be done if you have faith.


Dear LORD,

We know that we cannot simply abuse our faith in You as we do not command You but trust in You to work in our lives as You desire.  It is through submitting our lives to Your will that leads to miracles in our lives and the lives of others.  We submit to You LORD and to seeking Your will for our lives over that of our own desires.  Please work miracles in our lives that we would be examples of Your great power so others will put their faith in You as well and experience Your saving mercy and grace unto salvation – in Christ.  In Jesus name I pray, amen.