Mark 1:35
We learn in Mark 1:35 that as Jesus has finished a long day of ministry and healing as we have learned in Mark 1:21-34, He rises early the next day and, finding a solitary place, He prays.
This is an example of the need for prayer each day as we strive to follow in the footsteps of Jesus.
This passage is dearly personal for me as I too rise early to pray and work on this devotional Bible Study. It is so comforting to know that as Jesus rose early to pray, so too He has called me to follow in this same fashion. It is not always easy to get up early; sometimes it is a struggle, but I know that God is leading this Bible study and it is His will for my life that I seek.
Jesus teaches us how to pray in Matthew 6:9-13 and we see His own prayer in John 17. I know that sometimes we have trouble finding the right words to pray, but God knows the needs of our hearts before we speak them; the connection is to take the time with God to show Him our submission and dedication to Him to take care of our needs.
God may not have called you to rise early, but I am sure that there are places in the Bible that are reflective of God working in and through your life in following in the footsteps of Jesus. Jesus took the time to pray to His heavenly Father to seek daily guidance and support. If Jesus, being God in human form, took the time to pray each day, I believe it would be a great idea for us to follow. God calls us all in different ways, but in all our ways we should seek His ways in prayer time each day. Seek Him; follow in His footsteps; and experience His glory in your life – in Christ!
Dear LORD,
Please help us to realize the importance of prayer, and that we need to be spending time in prayer each day seeking your guidance, support, and healing for our families and friends. We are Your children, and we need Your guidance. Please let it be so LORD. In Jesus name I pray, amen.