Mark 1:21-22


Mark 1:21-22

Jesus has selected four pupils, Simon, Andrew, James, and John.  He now proceeds into the nearby town of Capernaum (Mark 1:21) and begins to teach them, along with those who had gathered in the synagogue on the Sabbath.

As Jesus began to teach, the people were astonished at His authority as He taught not as one teaching the lessons that had previously been documented in Scripture but as the Holy Spirit inspired Writer of it.


This is an example of the authority and power of Jesus in His teaching.


Imagine listening to someone who has grasped your attention; who speaks with authority on the subject at hand; someone who obviously knows what they are talking about as if they were the inventor of the subject or topic at hand.  Now magnify that by fathoms beyond anything we can imagine.  I believe this would be similar to that of the astonishment of the hearers of Jesus that day in Capernaum.

Jesus speaks to our hearts in the same way through His Holy Spirit.  First to call us to Him, and then to be our everlasting guide and teacher (John 14:15-18, 26).  It is up to us to listen to the call of Jesus on our lives and to answer that call.  But we must keep in mind that to not answer the call of Jesus on our lives is to say no to Him.  Say yes to Jesus today and begin living and learning from the Teacher of all teachers that will astonish you as well.


Dear LORD,

You are the Teacher that astonishes all who will listen to You.  You are the One with all the answers to our questions – if we will listen to You through Your Holy Spirit calling out to us to open our hearts in sincerity to the salvation that You offer us through Your One and only Son Jesus.  Please help us to take the time in this hustle and bustle world to stop and listen to Your call on our lives – in Christ.  In Jesus name I pray, amen.