James 3:2-5a


James 3:2-5a  

James begins this passage of James 3:2-5 (NKJV) by stating, “For we all stumble in many things.”  This statement refers back to the previous statement, but yet is a cover statement that is intended for all to hear and take heed.  This first half of James 3 is a warning about our words and to take heed of the things we say as James tells us that no one is perfect in all that comes out of our mouths (James 3:2).  He goes on to give us two examples of how very small things (such as our tongues in proportion to our physical bodies) can be very powerful in “turning” things.  James uses the example of how a bit in a horses mouth allows us to “turn” the horse in any direction (James 3:3), and of how small the rudder of a ship is, yet it “turns” the whole ship wherever the pilot desires (James 3:4).  James ties these things together in verse 5 which states, “Even so the tongue is a little member and boasts great things.”


This is a promise that being able to control one’s words would make that person “perfect” (James 3:2).

This is a promise that the tongue, however small, “turns” our lives by the words that it speaks.


The words we say, or the words that our tongue speaks, are able to determine the direction of our lives.  We speak bitter things that may be hurtful to others, and with the same tongue we speak words of love and compassion.  God granted King Solomon wisdom (1 Kings:3; 2 Chronicles 1) and some of his wise sayings are recorded in the book of Proverbs: In Proverbs 10:19-21 (NIV) he proclaims, “Sin is not ended by multiplying word, but the prudent hold their tongues.  The tongue of the righteous is choice silver, but the heart of the wicked is of little value.  The lips of the righteous nourish many, but fools die for lack of sense.”

Our words, spoken by our tongues, guide our lives in the path that we travel.  Our words are full of destruction and speak harshly to one another.  But God gives us His word (the Bible) that is infallible and true that if we will open our hearts to His word, we will have life eternal.  Psalm 119:11 (ESV) states, “I have stored up your word in my heart, that I might not sin against you.”  And in Psalm 119:50 we learn, “This is my comfort in my affliction, that your promise gives me life.”  But we can use our tongues to give praise, and to gain understanding in salvation.  The Apostle Paul tells us in Romans 10:9-10 (NKJV), “that if you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead, you will be saved.  For with the heart one believes unto righteousness, and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation.”  As evil as the tongue is described to be in the Bible, it is also the small piece of our bodies that is used to profess our faith in Jesus.  Do this, and you will begin to see the evil of your tongue disappear and the blessings of Jesus fill your words.


Dear LORD,

The words that come out of our mouths are so often spoken in haste and are meant to hurt one another.  Please help us to see that You created us to bring praise and glory to You, and that our words should be respectful and considerate of one another.  We should give praise to You with our words and share the gospel and our testimony of how Your great love for us has brought us back to You through salvation in Jesus.  We all stumble in our words as we are not perfect, but You sent Jesus to help us to overcome our weaknesses through His perfection that we would be a reflection of Him to all those around us and throughout the world.  Please help us to think before we speak so that our words would be helpful and encouraging to one another – in Christ.  In Jesus name I pray, amen.