James 2:25-26


James 2:25-26

The question quickly comes to mind of “Why would James use the example of a prostitute in his example of faith being justified by works?”  It just seems about as far out of place as one could get.  But that is exactly what James is aiming at; he has given us the patriarch of the Jewish people, Abraham, as an example of faith that the Jewish community can look up to as a solid proven staple of faith in the eyes of God.  But in James 2:25-26, James reaches out as far as he can to show the Gentiles that even a person in which we may view as the furthest away from God as one could get, they too are not too far away from God for Him to real them back in and touch their lives that they too may come to faith in God and be a vital part of His great plan of salvation for all of humanity.

Rahab believed in God and she wanted for herself and for her family to be saved from the wrath of God.  She took action to do something for God that would show her faith in God.  The author of the book of Hebrews makes note of the faith of Rahab in Hebrews 11:31.  You can read more about Rahab and of how the Israelites conquered the city of Jericho in the Old Testament book of Joshua 2, 6.

Another very interesting fact about Rahab, that may be the reason she is mentioned in Scripture numerous times, is that she is mentioned in Matthew 1:5 – the genealogy of Jesus.  Another interesting fact about Rahab is that she is the great, great grandmother of David; you know, the one who defeated Goliath and went on to be king of Israel (Matthew 1:5-6, 1 Samuel 16-17). 


This is an example that no one is too far away from God for Him to reach out to them and bring them back to Himself in faith, and implement action in that faith to bring glory to Him.


You may feel like the events of life have placed you outside of the reach of God to save you from the grasp of the sinful nature.  But God uses all people in His great plan of salvation, and He can use you too if you will have faith in Him.  The further away from God we may feel that we are, the greater the victory in Christ Jesus when we come to saving faith in Him.  God has a plan for you and He is calling you back to Him so that all of heaven can rejoice with you, and you can begin the great journey God has for you, and in so, you too can bring glory to God through your life – put into action for Christ Jesus.

Many of you are Christians, and what I have just said may not apply to you as you are already experiencing the joy of life in Christ Jesus.  But we all know people who are not living a forgiven life; one’s who have not put their faith in Jesus.  This is where we all are called to share the gospel and our testimony with others – not to be overbearing or condescending, but to show the love to others that God has shown to us, that our example may help lead others to Jesus.  This is how we all bring glory to God – through the different gifts He gives us that we may use them to glorify Him.


Dear LORD,

You have shown us through the teaching about Rahab that You can, and will, use any and all of us to bring glory to You through our saved lives out of this sinful world.  You are the light of the world.  Please lead us to the light of Christ Jesus so we all may bring glory to You through our lives, now and for eternity.  In Jesus name I pray, amen.