James 2:19

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James 2:19

James speaks directly to the heart of the matter of sin in James 2:19; he calls out those whose belief in God is superficial.  He states (NKJV), “You believe that there is one God.  You do well.  Even the demons believe – and tremble!  James draws to attention the question of “What separates us in our relationship with God from Satan and his demons, who also believe in God?”  Satan and his demons know of the Almighty power of God and that His day of wrath is coming when they will have to face His judgment and be subject to it forevermore.  James tells us that the demons “tremble” when they think of this coming day of judgment (Revelation 19-20).


This is a promise that even Satan and his demons believe in God – and they tremble!

This implies the question to all, “What separates your belief in God from that of Satan and his trembling demons?”

This is a call to submit one’s life to Jesus and seek His will for your life as submission is what Satan and his demons fail to do.

This is a call to salvation in Christ Jesus as He is the answer; He is the way, the truth, and the life.  No one comes to the Father except through Him (John 14:6).


James 2:19 is the type of Bible verse we like to overlook without giving it due study.  We do not like to think of Satan and his army of demons, but it is the heart of our resistance to God and the reason that sin entered the world in the first place.  Satan refused to submit to God – he thought he could become more than God’s reflection in and of himself – apart from God.  The result is that God cast him from heaven to earth, where he now roams looking for those he can  devour (1 Peter 5:8).  Satan, whose name was Lucifer, is believed by many scholars to be the one spoken of in Ezekiel 28 as the “anointed cherub” who because of his iniquities was cast to the ground (Ezekiel 28:17).

Satan believes in God, and it is he who is trying to rule our hearts and keep us away from the saving power of God and the redemption that is found in our Savior Jesus.  But God loves us so much that He sent His one and only Son to redeem us back to Him – to pay the price for our sins that we may be reconciled to Him and live in the right status of relationship that He created us to have with Him.

James is trying to teach us that believing in God is superficial if we are not sincere in our belief which will result in an active life of works that proves our faith in Him.  God gives us examples in our lives to reflect the relationship that we should be seeking with Him.  A great example is that of a husband and wife.  If the man or woman, early in life, saw the one that they believed would be their spouse but did not take action to pursue that relationship, then it would never become a reality.  It does not matter if one only believes without taking action to build the relationship – the spouse-to-be needs to become aware and involved in an active relationship that will continue to build over their lives and to the bond of marriage.  In the same way, God needs to hear from us and see our active work to build that relationship with Him in our desire to have a relationship with Him.  He saved us from sin and the overpowering grasp of Satan, but He requires us to show Him that we love Him – not just tell Him but show Him.  Are you showing God that you love Him?  I hope and pray that you are, as the reward will last for eternity.


Dear LORD,

Many people believe that You exist, but just saying so shows a lack of sincerity of heart to salvation in Christ Jesus; our lives should be visibly a reflection of Jesus to all those around us in our daily walk.  Yes, we all still have times of falling to sin, but with the sincerity of heart to Jesus, You are faithful and just and will forgive us, guide us back to the path that You have for us, and encourage us through Your Holy Spirit to be strong in Christ as we seek, with action, our relationship with You – in Christ.  In Jesus name I pray, amen.