Hebrews 7:20-22

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Hebrews 7:20-22

The author of Hebrews uses a double negative (was not/without an oath) in Jesus being ordained High Priest.  The order of priesthood through the line of Melchizedek was an eternal priesthood, something that God never promised to the Levitical line of the priesthood.  But as Psalm 110:4 (NKJV) proclaims,


“The LORD has sworn

             And will not relent,

            ‘You are a priest forever

             According to the order of



Through His eternal priesthood Jesus is the guarantor of the better hope in the better covenant that God has established for eternity through Him (Hebrews 7:19b, 22).


This is a promise of a better hope and a better covenant through salvation in Jesus.


God gave man a plan to restore humanity to righteousness, but in His plan the very important realization must first be established that man cannot obtain righteousness on his own.  The need for this realization is that it is only through obedience to God that we may obtain the promise of returning to a right way/right-eous-ness in His eyes.  Our faith must be put in God to bring Him glory and receive salvation from sin.  We must first overcome the temptation from Satan that we can do this on our own – that we can earn our way to heaven, but the truth is that we cannot.  Satan is the father of lies and he will use every lie to keep us bound in his web of sin to keep us away from the necessary realization of our need for forgiveness in Christ Jesus – the only way to eternal life (John 3:16-17, 8:44, 14:6).  Open your heart to Jesus, today, and receive a new life of forgiveness by believing in Him.


Dear LORD,

You teach us and You show us in Your word that we cannot save ourselves from sin.  Please open our eyes, hearts, minds, and souls to Jesus – the only way, truth, and life that is eternally forgiven and cleansed from sin – in Christ.  In Jesus name I pray, amen.