Hebrews 4:2

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Hebrews 4:2

The author of Hebrews tells us that the gospel was preached to those Israelites who wandered in the wilderness for forty years with Moses.  But the question quickly arises of how can this be since Jesus came many years later (in the flesh) preaching the gospel.  But as God and Jesus are one and have been for all of eternity past, present, and future, the gospel represents the good news of the one and only true God of heaven and the life and rest that He alone offered to the Israelites if they would put their faith in Him.  This gospel preached to those wandering in the wilderness is the same gospel preached through Christ Jesus as it is based on putting one’s faith in God.  The author of Hebrews notes that the gospel did not profit/benefit the Israelites wandering in the wilderness because they did not believe in the promises that God made to them.


This is a promise that receiving God’s blessings is through our faith in Him.


We all want God’s blessings on our lives and on the lives of our families and loved ones.  But to receive God’s blessings has a prerequisite of putting our faith in Him; we cannot expect God to give us His unlimited blessings if we refuse to put our faith in Him and seek His will for our lives.  This is a simple truth that is found throughout the whole of the Bible, Old Testament and New Testament.  Even foreigners were given God’s blessing in the Old Testament if they put their faith in Him.  An example of this is found in the regulations that God gave Moses for partaking in the feast of the Passover (Exodus 12:43-49).

The main point of the gospel is to believe in it; to believe in the Almighty God and His kingdom of heaven.  Those of the Old Testament wandering in the wilderness refused to believe, and those of the New Testament, including those of the secular worldview Today, continue to refuse the gospel.  But, as the author of Hebrews drives home over and over:


Today, if you will hear His voice,

 Do not harden your hearts as in the

rebellion.” [Psalm 95:7-8] (NKJV)


The great thing about the gospel is that it reigns true forever.  The promises of God hold true for us today as well as for those in the past, if we will submit our obedience to God and put our faith in Him.  Today, to accept that He sent His one and only Son to pay our price for sin that we may be set free from the grasp of Satan and receive eternal life if we will put our faith in Him.


Dear LORD,

Thank You that Your gift of salvation holds true for us today if we will submit our lives to You and put our faith in You.  You sent Your Son Jesus to do for us what we cannot do for ourselves – to save us from the sinfulness of this world that we may live for eternity with You in Your presence – in Christ.  Thank You LORD for the never-ending truth of the gospel.  In Jesus name I pray, amen.