Hebrews 4:11

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Hebrews 4:11

The author of Hebrews bookends this passage between verses 1 and 11 being essentially the same verse and the warning to not fall to the same destruction of that of those in the rebellion of the Exodus.


This is a command to “take heed” of the warnings and signs given that we would not fall to the same destruction.


The Old Testament is given to us Today as a picture of the disobedience of this world and of God’s patience in calling us to Him and of waiting for us to respond to His call on our lives.  The secular world of Today lives as did those of the rebellion of the Exodus in that they refused to believe in God and have faith in Him as the one and only true God of heaven, infallible and unchangeable to be molded into the god’s in which we would want Him to be in a quest of our own goals and desires.  It is this refusal to change our lives and conform to God’s will for our lives that Satan keeps us bound in as he strives to keep us blinded to the grace and mercy that God has offered us in His Son, the Savior of the world, Christ Jesus.  Satan wants us to believe that if we surrender our lives to Jesus we will be giving up something that we cannot live without, but the truth is that he is the one that has died to God, and he is so envious and jealous of us that his only desire is to keep us from the wonderful forgiven life that God offers to us in being reborn in spirit through our Savior Jesus whom offers us the open door of entrance into a repentant life from the sinful nature of Satan and into God’s eternal rest.


Dear LORD,

Please help us to be, as the author of Hebrews calls us to be, “diligent” to enter the eternal rest that only can be found through submitting our lives to You through our Savior Jesus, that we would not fall to the same fate of those who are disobedient to You.  Please help us to see the importance of a daily study of Your Word and prayer with You in seeking Your guidance throughout our lives on this earth that would guide us to Your eternal spiritual rest that is only found through a true spiritual rebirth in Christ Jesus, through whom our faith would be accompanied and proven by our works – in Christ.  In Jesus name I pray, amen.