Hebrews 4:1

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Hebrews 4:1

“Therefore,” once again, because those who do not believe will not enter God’s rest, we are encouraged to believe because there is a promise of entering His rest for those who do believe.  The second part of Hebrews 4:1 (NKJV), “let us fear lest any of you seem to have come short of it” is not an indication to be fearful as if to be scared, but to put God in His proper place of reverence and respect as Almighty God and not be complacent should one’s belief in the promises of God not be sincere or as the author of Hebrews states, “come short of it.”


This is a command to do a self-check of our faith in God and our Savior Jesus; do you sincerely believe?

This is a call to a sincere heart to God in giving Him due respect as Almighty God.


The moment that we take our salvation in Christ Jesus for granted it becomes conceit, and conceit is self-centered and arrogant, even prideful.  We must fight against the trickery of the devil each day to gain and maintain a humility and respect for the LORD God Almighty and our Savior Jesus, for it is only through what He has done for us that makes our salvation possible.  It is from His love for us that He called us out of this sinful world to be separated from it while still yet in it – to be His representatives in this sinful world that others would through our testimony and sharing of the Gospel come to join us in our belief in Him, for He died for all the world to receive forgiveness and life eternal through Him.


Dear LORD,

The author of Hebrews has been showing us that the problem with the Israelites wandering in the wilderness for forty years is that they refused to believe in You as the One true God of heaven.  Please help us to learn from their mistakes that we would not follow the same path that leads to destruction, but that we would through Christ Jesus grow our faith in You and sincerely believe – in Christ.  In Jesus name I pray, amen.