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Hebrews 3:12-15
Hebrews 3:12 begins “Beware” (NKJV), “See to it” (NIV), “Take care” (ESV), “Watch out” (HCSB), and “Take heed” (KJV). These words are attention getters; what follows is sure to be important information that calls out for our attention. “Brethren,” is next, indicating that all those who believe, or as the author addresses in Hebrews 3:1 (NKJV), “holy brethren, partakers of the heavenly calling.” Those in Christ, beware, take heed that no one falls into the trap of the deceitfulness of sin and be pulled away from faith in Christ Jesus. But yet, while it is called “Today,” which is every day in its new beginning, “exhort one another daily” (NKJV), “encourage one another daily” (NIV) that by doing so would tighten the bond and confidence that one has in salvation in working together as the body of Christ Jesus. The author then quotes, once again, Psalm 95:7-8 as a warning to not harden one’s heart as did those in the exodus that refused to believe in God.
This is a command to be encouraging to one another in Christ.
“Today,” the church has been divided into many denominations with individual beliefs that I believe Satan has tasked us with in his quest to separate the Church – those who have put their faith in Christ Jesus. No where in the teaching of Jesus did He command us to separate ourselves from one another, as this shows separation: arrogance, self-centeredness, and pride; all of which are from Satan, not Jesus. We all can claim our own doctrine and that we are right in it and everyone else is wrong. But the truth is that we are all wrong, that’s why we need to hold fast to our faith in Jesus; that He will pull us back together – in Christ. If we were to take an honest survey of our prayer life and our time spent in Bible study each day, we would immediately begin spewing excuses of the reasons why we cannot, or do not have time for Bible study and prayer – a perfect example of how Satan still yet, even as Christians, strives to keep us from growing in our relationship with God through our salvation in Christ Jesus. But this is not meant to be a discouragement, but an encouragement, as the author of Hebrews instructs us, to pull together in Christ Jesus; in support of and for one another; to be the body of Christ Jesus Today!
Dear LORD,
Please help us to take heed, to beware of the fact that Satan lurks everywhere, every day in wait as a hungry lion to devour anyone he can. Please help us to not be rebellious as was the Israelites during the exodus in their unbelief, but that we, in our own individual doctrines, would seek the confidence and steadfastness of a people that has truly given our hearts to You LORD in our salvation in Jesus, who came to save the world from sin that we may live through Him. LORD, we cannot be the people that You would have us to be and continue in separation of one another in Christ; that is not representing Jesus, but that we would all be encouraging to one another, daily, while it is still, “Today!” In Jesus name I pray, amen.