Hebrews 12:14-17

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Hebrews 12:14-17

The author of Hebrews encourages his hearers/readers to pursue peace and holiness with all people (Hebrews 12:14) as this is following the way of the Lord, and without seeking/pursuing His way in one’s life, one will not be welcome in heaven.  Those who have received the gift of God, which is salvation in and through Christ Jesus, should “look carefully” (Hebrews 12:15, NKJV) at one another in pursuing peace and holiness within the body of Christ as one would care for their own body to healing for the whole of the body.  Esau is used as an example as he sold his birthright due to his own desires and then when it came time to receive the blessing found himself left out.


This is a command to seek God’s will in the life of the Christian.

This is a command to seek peace and holiness with all people.


Hebrews 12:14 (NKJV) begins with the word “pursue.”  The New International Version starts this verse with the words, “Make every effort.”  These are action words/phrases and are the focus of the sentence.  Yes, the focus of the “pursue” is peace and holiness, which is the duty of the Christian, but the author of Hebrews has arranged his words to show that in pursuing peace and holiness requires action in living the life that God has designed for us.  The body of Christ is to be active in pursuing peace and holiness with one another as is the recipe for a healthy body in Christ.  As we seek to bring others into a new relationship with Christ, we must first be at peace and holiness within the Church, and then others will see Christ Jesus through our lives and God will work through His Holy Spirit to compel them to have a desire to be a part of what we are expressing to them – in Christ.


Dear LORD,

Please help us to see that we should actively show the love You have shown to us to others in pursuing peace and holiness in our lives.  Please help us to see that we can only be holy through our faith in Christ Jesus in which we receive His holiness through Your Holy Spirit who You have promised to dwell within all who put their faith in You.  Please help us to see the body of the Church as our own body and that we would seek the healing of Your peace and holiness for each other and welcome this healing in our own lives as well – in Christ.  In Jesus name I pray, amen.