Mark 13:14-20

CLICK HERE TO WATCH THE DAILY DEVOTIONAL BIBLE STUDY ON YOUTUBE Mark 13:14-20 In Mark 13:14-20 Jesus tells of the “abomination od desolation” that Daniel prophesied about in Daniel 13:31. Jesus states in Mark 13:19 (NKJV), “19For in those days there will be tribulation, such as has not been since the beginning of the creation …

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Mark 13:9-13

CLICK HERE TO WATCH THE DAILY DEVOTIONAL BIBLE STUDY ON YOUTUBE Mark 13:9-13 In Mark 13:9-13 Jesus informs His disciples (Peter, James, John, and Andrew) that some undesirable things will happen to them for His sake. He tells them that when they are put on trial, they should not prepare speeches in their defense, but …

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The Wisdom of Proverbs 16:4-7

CLICK HERE TO WATCH THE WISDOM OF PROVERBS TUESDAY NIGHT BIBLE STUDY ON YOUTUBE This is a Bible study in the book of Proverbs as we seek to learn from the wisdom, insight, understanding, and knowledge of King Solomon, and of how we can apply these lessons in our lives.  

Mark 13:3-8

CLICK HERE TO WATCH THE DAILY DEVOTIONAL BIBLE STUDY ON YOUTUBE Mark 13:3-8 As Jesus, Peter, James, John, and Andrew sat on the Mount of Olives looking out at the temple in Jerusalem (Mark 13:3-4, NKJV), the disciples asked Jesus, “Tell us, when will these things be? And what will be the sign when all …

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Mark 13:1-2

CLICK HERE TO WATCH THE DAILY DEVOTIONAL BIBLE STUDY ON YOUTUBE Mark 13:1-2 In Mark 13:1-2, as the disciples of Jesus were expecting a Messiah to take over the temple and lead the government, one of them noted to Jesus as if to lead Him into proclaiming His place in the great buildings in Jerusalem …

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