Hebrews 4:14-16

Click here to open the Video Devotional Hebrews 4:14-16 We have learned that those who wandered in the wilderness of the exodus led by Moses were not allowed to enter God’s rest in the promised land because of their unbelief.  Even though the gospel was preached to them (Hebrews 4:2), in hearing God’s word they …

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Hebrews 4:13

Click here to open the Video Devotional Hebrews 4:13 There is nothing hidden from God’s omniscience, which is God’s almighty power to know all things.  God’s omniscience, along with His omnipresence, which is God’s almighty power to be present everywhere always puts us, our actions, and our thoughts in plain view of God.  He knows …

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Hebrews 4:12

Click here to open the Video Devotional Hebrews 4:12 God’s word speaks to our hearts; it teaches us of moral right and wrong; it gives us blessings and it convicts us to repentance.  “For the word of God is living and powerful” (Hebrews 4:12a, NKJV).  John 1:1-4 (NIV) states, “In the beginning was the Word, …

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Hebrews 4:11

Click here to open the Video Devotional Hebrews 4:11 The author of Hebrews bookends this passage between verses 1 and 11 being essentially the same verse and the warning to not fall to the same destruction of that of those in the rebellion of the Exodus.   This is a command to “take heed” of …

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Hebrews 4:8-10

Click here to open the Video Devotional Hebrews 4:8-10 The author of Hebrews brings into light Joshua, the assistant of Moses, who after the death of Moses led the Israelites into the promised land (Deuteronomy 34; Joshua 1).  Finally, after forty years of wandering in the wilderness the Israelites were permitted to enter the land …

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