James 1:19-20

Click here to open the Video Devotional James 1:19-20 James gives us very practical and proven advice in this passage of James 1:19-20 to (NKJV), “be swift to hear” which is to simply take the time to listen to what others are saying.  He then goes on to give instructions to be, “slow to speak” …

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James 1:16-18

Click here to open the Video Devotional James 1:16-18 James wants his hearers/readers to be certain about their belief in God as he states in James 1:16 (NKJV) to, “not be deceived” in relation to the previous text of James 1:12-15 and the source of temptation which is from our own sinful nature’s desires that …

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James 1:13-15

Click here to open the Video Devotional James 1:13-15 James tells us that we should not believe that when we are being tempted to sin that it is from God because as he states in James 1:13c-d (NKJV), “…for God cannot be tempted by evil, nor does He Himself tempt anyone.”  James tells us that …

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James 1:12

Click here to open the Video Devotional James 1:12 James 1:12 is very similar to James 1:2 in that James 1:2 (NIV) states, “Consider it pure joy…whenever you face trials,” and James 1:12 states, “Blessed is the one who perseveres under trial…”  So we have joy in facing trials and being blessed for persevering through …

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James 1:9-11

Click here to open the Video Devotional James 1:9-11 James compares the lowly/poor person with a rich person in this passage.  He tells us to let the lowly person be treated equally with the rich person in letting them have their moment of glory in their exaltation to God.  But the rich person should glory …

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