Romans 1:1

CLICK HERE TO VIEW THE VIDEO DEVOTIONAL ON YOUTUBE Romans 1:1 In Romans 1:1 we learn that Paul is the author, through God’s inspiration, of this book/letter of the Bible.  The Apostle Paul tells his readers/hearers that he was called by God, and we know of his conversion story as it is told three times …

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James 5:19-20

CLICK HERE TO VIEW THE VIDEO DEVOTIONAL ON YOUTUBE James 5:19-20 In these last two verses in the letter written by James, the brother of Jesus, he gives instructions for the body of believers/body of the Church.  He instructs the believers/body of the Church to be in care of one another, and if one should …

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James 5:14-18

CLICK HERE TO VIEW THE VIDEO DEVOTIONAL ON YOUTUBE James 5:14-18 James asks his third question in James 5:14 (NKJV), “Is anyone among you sick?”  And once again he gives instruction for those who may be sick.  James instructs those who may be sick to invite the elders of the church to gather around them …

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James 5:13b

CLICK HERE TO VIEW THE VIDEO DEVOTIONAL ON YOUTUBE James 5:13b In contrast to James 5:13a in which James asked if anyone is suffering, in James 5:13b he asks if anyone is cheerful.  James also gives instructions for those who are cheerful; he says that they should sing psalms.  This passage, as does James 5:13a, …

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James 5:13a

CLICK HERE TO VIEW THE VIDEO DEVOTIONAL ON YOUTUBE James 5:13a This next paragraph of James 5:13-18 is full of so much important information that we are going to have to break it down piece by piece so that we can study each important part and glean all that we can from it.  Today, we …

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