
Revelation 6:5-6

Revelation 6:5-6 Matthew 20:2 (NKJV) declares, “Now when he had agreed with the laborers for a denarius a day, he sent them into his vineyard.” With this we learn that a denarius was the common wage paid for a day’s work. In Revelation 6:5-6 we learn of the famine that the earth will be stricken …

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Revelation 6:3-4

CLICK HERE TO WATCH THE DAILY DEVOTIONAL BIBLE STUDY ON YOUTUBE Revelation 6:3-4 As the Lamb opens the second seal, we read in Revelation 6:4 (NKJV), “4Another horse, fiery red, went out. And it was granted to the one who sat on it to take peace from the earth, and that people should kill one …

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Revelation 6:1-2

CLICK HERE TO WATCH THE DAILY DEVOTIONAL BIBLE STUDY ON YOUTUBE Revelation 6:1-2 In Revelation 6:1-2 the Lamb opens the first of the seven seals on the scroll that was taken from the right hand of the one who sits on the throne of heaven. John was called by one of the four living creatures …

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Revelation 5:14

CLICK HERE TO WATCH THE DAILY DEVOTIONAL BIBLE STUDY ON YOUTUBE Revelation 5:14 The Lamb of God has taken “the scroll out of the right hand of Him who sat on the throne” (Revelation 5:7, NKJV) and then a great celebration broke out in all of creation – in heaven, on earth, under the earth, …

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Revelation 5:13

CLICK HERE TO WATCH THE DAILY DEVOTIONAL BIBLE STUDY ON YOUTUBE Revelation 5:13 In Revelation 5:13 (NKJV) the Apostle John witnesses, “every creature which is in heaven and on the earth and under the earth and such as are in the sea, and all that are in them, I heard saying:   ‘Blessing and honor …

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