
Hebrews 11:30

Click here to open the Video Devotional Hebrews 11:30 The LORD gave instructions to Joshua of how the Israelites should go about defeating the city of Jericho, and their faith in following the instructions was rewarded with victory.  Joshua 6:2 (NKJV) states, “And the LORD said to Joshua: “See!  I have given Jericho into your …

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Hebrews 11:29

Click here to open the Video Devotional Hebrews 11:29 In Exodus 14 is the story of the crossing of the Red Sea.  Moses had led the Israelites out of Egypt, but Pharaoh turned against his decision to let them go.  He summoned the army of Egypt and set out in pursuit of them.  When Pharaoh …

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Hebrews 11:28

Click here to open the Video Devotional Hebrews 11:28 God gave Moses the instructions for the Passover in Exodus 12, and that it should be recognized each year.  Those who were God-fearing would place the blood of the lamb on the doorposts and mantle of the entryways to their homes.  The LORD would pass throughout …

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Hebrews 11:27

Click here to open the Video Devotional Hebrews 11:27 God prepared the heart of Moses for forty years while he lived in the land of Midian (Exodus 3).  While Moses originally fled Egypt in fear for his life (Exodus 2:11-15), it was during his time in the land of Midian when God spoke to Moses …

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Hebrews 11:24-26

Click here to open the Video Devotional Hebrews 11:24-26 Being taken in by the daughter of Pharaoh, Moses grew up in the house of Pharaoh and would have been trained in the royalties of statehood and war.  But God put in Moses’ heart to be with his natural born people and to seek the blessing …

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