
Revelation 8:10-11

CLICK HERE TO WATCH THE DAILY DEVOTIONAL BIBLE STUDY ON YOUTUBE Revelation 8:10-11 In Revelation 8:10 the third angel sounds the trumpet and a star, named Wormwood, fell from heaven and contaminated a third of the rivers and springs of the earth’s water. The name “Wormwood” is derived from the plant of the same name …

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Revelation 8:8-9

CLICK HERE TO WATCH THE DAILY DEVOTIONAL BIBLE STUDY ON YOUTUBE Revelation 8:8-9 The first angel sounded the trumpet and a third of the earth/land was destroyed (Revelation 8:7). Then the second angel sounds the trumpet and a third of the sea is destroyed. Revelation 8:9 declares, “9And a third of the living creatures in …

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Revelation 8:7

CLICK HERE TO WATCH THE DAILY DEVOTIONAL BIBLE STUDY ON YOUTUBE Revelation 8:7 In the opening of the seventh seal of the scroll taken by the Lamb from the right hand of Him who sits on the throne of heaven is the recognition of seven angels who were given trumpets as they stand before God …

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Revelation 8:1-6

CLICK HERE TO WATCH THE DAILY DEVOTIONAL BIBLE STUDY ON YOUTUBE Revelation 8:1-6 In Revelation 8:1 the seventh seal is opened from the scroll that the Lamb has taken from the right hand of Him who sits on the throne of heaven. As this seal is opened, all went quiet for about half an hour. …

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