Revelation 18:21-24


Revelation 18:21-24

We learn in Revelation 18:21 (NKJV), “21Then a mighty angel took up a stone like a great millstone and threw it into the sea, saying, ‘Thus with violence the great city Babylon shall be thrown down, and shall not be found anymore.’” In Revelation 18:21-24 is a striking resemblance to that of Ezekiel 28:11-19 in what is considered by many scholars to be a description of the creation and fall of Lucifer/the devil/the sinful nature of this world/the personified and materialized woman on the beast. The resemblance of the things destroyed in Revelation 18:12-13 to the description of the seal of perfection, perfect in beauty, every precious stone, the workmanship of your timbrels and pipes, by the abundance of your trading, you became filled with violence, you sinned, I destroyed you, O covering cherub from the midst of the fiery stones, I laid you before kings, you have become a horror, shall be no more forever, found in Ezekiel 28 is remarkable. In Revelation 18:21-24 these things are found no more as the perfectly created being (Ezekiel 28:12) has been stripped of all his splendor due to his own arrogance (Ezekiel 28:16-17).


This is the example that the things of this world are of the devil and will be found no more after God releases His wrath on the sinful nature.


I believe that Lucifer was created to be the reflection of God back to Him so that God could receive His own love back to Himself in the requirement for the fulfillment of love, in that love is giving and can only receive freely from the recipient of His love flowing out from Himself as God is love (1 John 4:8). He cannot by his own nature force anyone or anything to give His love back to Him while He yet requires it to bring true fulfillment to Himself as Almighty God and the essence of Love. Lucifer was that being created in perfection to reflect God’s own love back to Him, but the reflection must also be freely reflected in the love that God first gave, and in this is the requirement for God to not be forceful in the created being and thus, a possibility to not reflect God’s love back to Him. In this as close to God as I believe one being could possibly be, Lucifer became conceited and believed that he could not only reflect God but become God, or as the Bible teaches us about Lucifer in Isaiah 14:13a, 14a as God declares through the prophet Isaiah, “For you have said in your heart: ‘I will exalt my throne above the stars of God’. . . ‘I will be like the Most High.’” Everything that will be destroyed in Revelation 18 of the sinful nature/the woman on the beast/Babylon is reflective of Lucifer/the devil/Satan. In his desire to be like the Most High, he strives to make us reflect him, but his forcefulness over our lives in the chains of the sinful nature of this world will never be the real thing but only in his best reflection of it which is not love but lust for things he cannot have – just as the sinful nature strives to rule our lives and keep us away from realizing and understanding that God gave His love to us freely. God desires, through His own characteristics of true love for us, that we freely return His love to Him by professing Him our Savior over this world and believing in Him and reflecting that in our lives. We cannot self-proclaim ourselves into eternal life in heaven as this is reflective of Lucifer in his own quest for greatness; we must freely open our hearts to Jesus in reflection of God’s love for us and ask Him to cleanse us from the evils that the devil forces upon us. Proclaim Jesus your Savior today, reflect Him in your life, and be saved from the wrath of God on the sinful nature of this world.


Dear LORD,

We have pinpointed through the Revelation of Jesus Christ and Your holy Scriptures the origin of the evils of this world. Please pinpoint these truths to the center of our hearts and let it flow throughout our entire bodies to bring us to realize and understand Your great love for us. We open our hearts to You and ask that you cleanse us from sin, change our lives to reflect You, and fill us with joy and the rejoicing we can have in heaven for eternity if we will freely give Your love back to You in our lives – in Christ!. In Jesus name I pray, amen.


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