Mark 14:3-9


Mark 14:3-9

In Mark 14:3-9 a woman has poured a flask of “very costly oil” (Mark 14:3, NKJV) on the head of Jesus. Some of those in attendance were unhappy of this as they were thinking only of the money that could have been made from selling the oil, but they did not realize or understand, as we do today, of the importance of this act of preparing Jesus for His burial, as Jesus explains to them in Mark 14:6-9. This was such an important accomplishment that Jesus states in Mark 14:9, “9Assuredly, I say to you, wherever this gospel is preached in the whole world, what this woman has done will also be told as a memorial to her.”


This is an example of how God works through our lives in ways that we may be unaware of until a later time.


We all want to be obedient to God and of how He is and will work in our lives. Sometimes we do not know of why God may be calling us to say or do a particular thing, but God’s will is so much more layered than anything we may see or understand at that time. This is where faith comes in; to trust in God to see us through even when we do not see the intended result, but that maybe He is simply trying to help us grow our faith in Him to another level that will then be ready for the task that He has for us. The point is that we do it all for His glory – in Christ.


Dear LORD,

Please give us the understanding to simply know that when You call us to say or do something that we do not have to know every detail of the situation, but that You may be using us to touch someone’s life that needs just that to be inspired to follow Jesus. In Jesus name I pray, amen.