Mark 8:1-3


Mark 8:1-3

In Mark 8:1-3 is a very similar situation to that of Jesus feeding the five thousand in Mark 6:30-44. But in the feeding of the five thousand, it was the disciples of Jesus who presented the idea to send the multitudes away, but Jesus utilized the time and place to show His disciples His power so that they would gain understanding that He is the Messiah. In the feeding of the multitudes in Mark 8 it is the idea of Jesus to present yet another opportunity for His disciples to put their trust in Him as the Messiah. In both situations it is most probable that the multitudes did not know of the miracles that were performed, but the disciples of Jesus who gathered the bread and fish to Jesus and then distributed them to the multitudes and brought back the overflow of baskets full of the leftovers. It was these closest to Jesus that He was attempting to reach as they would be the ones who would continue sharing the gospel after He would ascend to heaven. Jesus needed His disciples to realize, with no doubt, His deity as the Messiah.


This is an example of Jesus teaching us and then giving us an opportunity to show Him that we have grown in our realizing and understanding of His deity and being our Lord and Savior.


Jesus teaches us today through His Holy Spirit working in the lives of all who will put their faith in Him. But as with His first disciples, He will continue to utilize the lessons that He teaches us by giving us the opportunity to show our faith in Him as He prompts us to share the gifts that He gives us with others. What gift is God trying to get you to share with others? Are you utilizing the lessons that Jesus is teaching you to show others that God has proven Himself to you – maybe there is someone in your life that needs to hear the same lessons that God is teaching you? The last thing Jesus declared to His disciples before His ascension to heaven was, “But you shall receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you; and you shall be witnesses to Me in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the end of the earth” (Acts 1:8, NKJV).


Dear LORD,

We stand in awe of Your great power and that You would utilize us to help spread the gospel today. Please help us to realize and understand Your great working in each of our lives as You bless us with gifts that are custom made to the missions that You have made each of us for in sharing Jesus with the world!  In Jesus name I pray, amen.